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Wikipedia:Mercat Cross

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge
Reveesion aes o 18:24, 1 Julie 2005 bi Mendor (Collogue | contribs) (whit dae we cry the project?)
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Walcome tae the Mercat Cross! This is the airt tae talk aboot the technical wirkins o the Wikipedia.

Name o the project

The'r graet confusion ower this, wi me oniewey. A'v seen aa three variants -- Wikipedia, Wikipedie an Wikipaedia -- aa ower the shop. A think we need tae settle on wan name. A'm agin Wikipaedia mainly acause the RRSSC uises ae tae represent the soond in spaek or windae that can be /i/, /e/ or /ɪ/ dependin on whit airt ye'r frae. But A dinna think oniebodie's pronooncin it /wɪkɪpedia/ or /wɪkɪpɪdia/ -- A daursay that aabodie's sayin /wɪkɪpidia/, same as me (tho A cuid be wrang o coorse). (Wikipedie wad o coorse be /wɪkɪpidi/)

A'm no fasht whit ane o the ither name suggestions we wale. Mendor 18:24, 1 Jul 2005 (UTC)