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The user and editor of Wiki

"Bow to the abandonment of this sick world and greet the development of your mind and your soul. Then you can be born again in a new form of the world that can be vibrant and viable.And then you can share it."

I like a many species of disciplines. I like psychology (just an interest) +psychoanalysis, pathology (epidemiology) and neurology (but i'm ignoramus in it), ecology (paleoclimatology+ecopsychology (how ecology affects a person today), astronomy (only theory and only like history of universe, it makes really matter), philosophy (mostly existentialism, lebensphilosophie, conceptualism, philosophy of ideas (ontology), ethics and aesthetics, dualism, metaphysics probably), art (cinema, photography, design (graphic especially), history of arts, street art, electronic/classical (especially organ and piano)/rock music (+smth connects with spirit category in music), any visual (how optics works in art/our life) and audial art (how sound works in art/our life)), like experimental literature and something about concept/psychology, Japanese culture (history, cinema, literature, aesthetics terms and so on). I like anything about altered state of consciousness, hypnosis, memory as object of researches, trauma studies, body culture studies (especially Jacques Le Goff), protecting cultural heritage (tangible and intangible) (restoration) and probably anthropology in art. I like also metaphors, mythology and concepts in religion (buddhism and shinto - spirit religions). Sometimes I'm interest in politics. +++ I like history of time (how time affects a person also + when I was a little boy I often think about time). And I really like something about unconsciousness in global meanings, irrational actions of society and so on. I like also esotericism (hermeticism), occultism because it's really interesting for me as psychology although esoterism and occultism are not so scientific. I like something about secrets (this includes also freemasonry).

I like paganism, Gaia hypothesis, category of dark in philosophy and not only, sight and visual system (+another five wits) in global meanings (perception of objects, how it works on consciousness and mood). I like study about reality and irreality, about dream (somnology), action/move and no move and how it affects a person + biorhythm.

I like paleontology, ornithology (but not time for birdwatching), herpetology a little bit. Archaeology also seems very interesting.

I like German culture and sagas. When I was child, I was really obsessed with Greek mythology and Norse mythology.


I like to travel, birds (like birdwatching), swimming, trees (sometimes trying identify leaves of which trees), detective stories (i like idea of disappearance in it), I like oppositions (good/evil, hot/cold, tenderness/rudeness), i like how our actions analogically works in nature.


Fog, forest, mountains, water rings, touch, keyhole, star, road, wind, airport and hotel, cafe, night and morning, remove hair from the neck, earring, eyes, tunnel, lightning, recreating reality (or creation of double reality), abandoned houses and ghost towns.

I always get conscious when I get stuck in the fog or this is only appearance of my confidence that I didn't dissolve, didn't become like a smoke?

Qui a fait une fugue

Important authors to me (per last 4 academic years):

Favorite artists

This user is a HUGE Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings fan
This user supports LGBT
This user likes spring and sunny winter in the mountains but actually it depends on the year
This user like spiritualism and spirituality

Seasonal abstract themes as cycle of life

Spring themes: birds: birdwatching, bird vocalization and history of using feathers; aroma and history of odor, botany (how to plant trees/plants correctly and take care of them), Renaissance, love and woman in culture, light in culture and architecture, aesthetics, birth, poetry, soul

Summer themes: history of eroticism and naturism, noble savage (return to origins), sport (first Olympic games), traveling and road, entertainments, water, entomology, humanism and hedonism, global warming, history of body practices (body culture studies), year without a summer

Autumn/fall themes: theme of migration, nostalgia, fear and anxiety, fictional universes, dissolution, history of freemasonry, masonry, history of dynamics in big cities (including futurism), nervous system, self-destruction and thanatos, history of ruins (preservation, value (idea by Speer)), classical music (how it affects on everyone), decay in culture and nature (aging, tooth decay, putrefaction of fruits), still life, vernalization, hypnosis (and hysteria), history of lullabies and nightmare stories, history of everyday life, history of melancholia, how the uncertainty depicts on canvas (unconscious in art), chaos theory, spirit, ghost, history of forced disappearance, destruction

Winter themes: theme of dream (dreamtime, sleepwalking, narcolepsy and hypersomnia, sleep hygiene, lucid dream, dream as the birth of the world), history of escapism (from storytelling to video games and life in the own head), development of diseases, cold as means of survival, darkness in culture, Christmas stories, ouroboros, how the void/vacuum depicts on canvas, death perception in different countries/ in culture, eschatology, chaos, hibernation, yoga, fossils and vestigiality, domestic science, manuscript depictions, history of icon, silence, wind, mimicry, loneliness and depression, how to create an internal heat, ice age, frostbite, anesthesia

My contributions

Archives[change | change source]

important disciplines[change | change source]