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Uut Wikipedia
Dokumentation Dokumentation

This template does nothing.
More exactly, it outputs the null string. It's useful for programming advanced templates.

It often is used within a template to the right of an equals sign.


It's also possible to use {{ns:0}}, the empty/void/null string for the main namespace. Some magic words like __END__ might also have the desired effect of doing nothing.

See also

  • Foarloage:Tiw - can be used for monitoring parameter usage
  • Foarloage:Tiw - attempted alternative for voidd, does not seem to have the desired effect

Gewöönelk sunt wie Binutsere tou loai, sukke Dokumentationen tou skrieuwen. Wan du Froagen tou düsse Foarloage häst, koast do hier ap ju Diskussionssiede staale. Wan deer een Tied loang naan ap oantwouded, kiek moal in ju Düütske, Wäästfräiske af Holloundske Wikipedia ätter ju Foarloage. Juust in dän Biriek fon Dokumentationsfoarloagen wuden uk wäkke Seeken uut ju Läichsorbiske Wikipedia kopiert, deeruum dät dät wäil al ju düütske Wikipedia uut ju Läichsorbiske uurnuumen häd, as me an dän Wältäkst sjucht.