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Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge
Wiktionary logoWiktionar logo
Detail o the Wiktionar main page. Aw major wiktionaries are leetit bi nummer o airticles.
Screenshot o wiktionary.org home page
Teep o steid
Online dictionar
Available inMulti-lingual (ower 170)
AwnerWikimedia Foondation
Creatit biJimmy Wales an the Wikimedia commonty
Slogan(s)The Free Dictionar
Alexa ranknegative increase 614 (Aprile 2014)[1]
LaunchedDecember 12, 2002
Current statusactive

Wiktionar (a blend o the wirds wiki an dictionar, Inglis: Wiktionary) is a multilingual, wab-based project tae create a free-content dictionar o aw wirds in aw leids.

References[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. "Wiktionary.org Site Info". Alexa Internet. Archived frae the original on 26 December 2018. Retrieved 1 Apryle 2014.